General Instructions: This Series7 Performance Predictor exam will test your knowledge about bonds, as well as gather information about your preferences and background. The exam will require your attention and focus, so please make sure you have some time in which you will not be disturbed. The exam will likely take you one hour, or perhaps a little more, to complete. You will not need any outside information to answer the questions. However, during some sections of the exam, you will need a calculator, pen or pencil, and scratch paper. Each section is timed so please work quickly but accurately.
When you are ready to begin, please type in the code number you were given in the field below, then make up and type in twice a password of your choosing. If for any reason you are disconnected or must stop the exam before completing it, you may use your code number and password to return later to complete the exam.
1. Please enter the 12 digit code.
Code number:
2. Please input twice a password that you will remember. If you become disconnected or are otherwise interrupted, don't worry. You'll be able to resume where you left off by returning here and retyping your information again.
Your password:
Re-type your password:
I have read the instructions (above) and agree to be completely open and honest when responding to the following statements.
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